Essay on The Peloponnesian War Words | 6 Pages. The Peloponnesian War pitted the Athenians against the Spartans. The Peloponnesians’ were an alliance of city-states controlled by Sparta. These two powerful city-states became locked in a struggle for dominance of the eastern Mediterranean area Essay on Peloponnesian War. Words | 11 Pages. partnership. Beginning after their domination of the Persian war, the two states slowly became aware of one another’s growing power. More time went by, and the Spartans began to grow conscious of the other Essay about The Peloponnesian War. Words10 Pages. Throughout the Ancient Greek world, there have been many wars and standoffs. However, there has been only one which changed the course of Greek history forever; the Peloponnesian War. Caused by the growing tension between Athens and Sparta, it came and left, leaving only destruction in its wake
Essay On Peloponnesian War - Words | Bartleby
Apple Pay is the easiest and most secure way to pay on Gradesfixer in Safari. Home — Essay Samples — History — Peloponnesian War. The Peloponnesian War was a war between two leading city- states in ancient Greece, Athens and Sparta which lasted from bce. To learn more about the Peloponnesian War, peloponnesian war essay, a little bit of a background on both the Athens and Sparta.
Sparta on the other hand was leader of an alliance of independent states that included a lot of the major land powers of the Peloponnese and central Peloponnesian war essay as well as the sea power Corinth.
The Athenians had the stronger navy and were better prepared financially than their enemies and the Spartans had the stronger army.
The Athens and Sparta had fought each other before the Peloponnesian War, in what some peloponnesian war essay consider as the first Peloponnesian War, which as a result they agreed to a truce and called the Thirty Years Treaty in Later the Athenians took the measures into violating the Thirty Years Treaty since now they allied with Corcyra, a colony of Corinth.
From that Sparta and its allies accused Athens of aggression and threatened war. Because of the Pericicles the most influential leader Athens refused to back down. A lot of efforts were made to resolve the dispute but peloponnesian war essay failed.
Around Spring of a Spartan Ally named Thebes attacked an Athenian ally named Plataea as a result the war began, peloponnesian war essay. Really the years of fighting between the Athens and Sparta can be divided into two periods separated by a truce of six years.
The first period lasted around 10 years. This peloponnesian war essay with the Spartans which were under the rule of Archidamus II which was then leading an army into Attica which is the region around Athens. Here is where the Peticles declined to attract the superior allied forces but instead insisted the Athenians to keep to their city and harras the enemies coast and shipping.
In just within a few months Pericles fell victim to a plague. Killing a large number of civilians and large parts of the army.
Thucydides survive an attacked on the plague left an impressive amount of its impact on the Athenian confidence. While this was going on the Spartans attacked Athenian bases in western Greece but then were driven away. The Spartans also suffered a fall back at sea. In Around they tried to help the island state of Lesbos which Lesbos was a tributary of Athens that was planning on revolting. Peloponnesian war essay revolt was then headed off by the Athenians who won the control of the chief city Mytilene.
Insisted by the demagogue Cleon the Athenians had a vote to massacre the men of Mytilene and unfortunately enslave everyone else. But they changed their minds the next day and killed only the leaders of the revolt. Spartan originality during the plague years were all unsuccessful except for one the captured of the strategic Plataea in Over the next years the Athenians got offended and started to attack the Sicilian city Syracuse and had a campaigned in western Greece and the Peloponnese itself.
Around the picture was blank for Sparta which began to sue for peace. This was led by Brasidas, he was a hero of the Battle of Delium, a Spartan force gained a huge successes in Peloponnesian war essay in pushing and encouraging the Athenians subject states to revolt. In a battle at Amphipolis in both Brasidas and Athenian leader Cleon were dead. This is where the stage was getting set for Cleons rival Nicials for it to persuade the Athenians to accept peloponnesian war essay Spartans offer of peace.
In peloponnesian war essay words to end the war which is costing so much, peloponnesian war essay.
This was the period in which a diplomatic maneuvers gave the way to small-scale military operations as every city tried to win smaller states over to its side.
This is where the second period began of the Peloponnesian War. The next 11 years basically made up this war, peloponnesian war essay. This event was the disaster which was suffered by the Athenian act of war. After gaining reinforcements inthe Athenian army was defeated once again.
Even afterwards the navy was also beaten and the Athenians were horribly destroyed and now they tried to retreat. By Athens were in a huge decision crises. Democracy was overthrown by the government party oligarchical which was then replaced by the more moderate regime of the Five Thousand.
Towards the end of Athenians rebuilt their Navy which wa fresh from several victories and acted to restore democratic rule.
Unfortunately the democratic leaders refused Spartan peace offering and the war continued. The war was being continued peloponnesian war essay sea with the Sparta and Athenians fleets trading costly victories, peloponnesian war essay. The following year starved by the Remember: This is just a sample from a fellow student.
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Essay on The Peloponnesian War Words | 6 Pages. The Peloponnesian War pitted the Athenians against the Spartans. The Peloponnesians’ were an alliance of city-states controlled by Sparta. These two powerful city-states became locked in a struggle for dominance of the eastern Mediterranean area Feb 27, · The Peloponnesian War was a war between two leading city- states in ancient Greece, Athens and Sparta which lasted from bce. The fighting took over the entire Greek world and it was judge by Thucydides, this was the war was considered to be among the world’s finest work of history and the most significant was up to that time Essay on Peloponnesian War. Words11 Pages. Dating back to B.C., Sparta and Athens always had an alliance, but as time grew that balance slowly began to fall as one felt threatened by another. Before any sight of unsteadiness the Spartans and Athenians had a bound partnership. Beginning after their domination of the Persian war, the two states slowly became aware of one
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