Human Condition Essay Words | 5 Pages. The human condition is a term which references our complicated existence by highlighting our ongoing ability to Nov 26, · Essay, Pages 5 ( words) Views. The human condition is a term which references our complicated existence by highlighting our ongoing ability to adapt and change both our perceptions and values. Through our mental capabilities of both creativity and imagination, humanity is able to achieve a sense of both self-actualisation and liberation, resulting in them acting as the core of our existence where, without them we would become susceptible to the overwhelming flaws of the human blogger.comted Reading Time: 6 mins Jun 02, · The Human Condition, Related Texts Essay The human condition is full of contradictions, a state of mystery which involves the joyous aspects of life, as well as the sorrowful. The play 'A Streetcar Named Desire,' written by Tennessee Williams, represents this paradox that is capable of inspiring us or swiftly casting us down into the depths of depression
World Transformation Movement Freedom Essays
People have long used religion as a method in explaining or excusing their cosmic condition: suffering could be explained by previous sin or could be explained as simply the way of earthly existence. If humanity enjoyed a single, homogeneous religion, the promise of a happy end to suffering would surely make great strides in alleviating earthbound human suffering. However, the varied and numerous religions that exist today prevent any such easy solution.
This practice falls under religious exclusivism, a belief or teaching that a particular religion alone brings salvation.
Others are convinced that their religion is the most valid, human condition essay, but believe that people from other religions are subject to salvation through their moral actions. This follows religious inclusivism, a belief that people can achieve salvation regardless of their religion.
Lastly, some religions or, more suitably, some faithfuls, believe that human condition essay religions are equal, or at least all contain enough truths to be justified as a religion of good human condition essay God; to a pluralist, all religions, in the sense that they are all searching for similar truths, have the capability to send their followers human condition essay eternal salvation.
Evangelical Christians hold a very strict belief in exclusivism. Backed by the Bible, evangelical leaders are convinced that their notion that the submission under Jesus Christ will send faithfuls to eternal salvation. This exclusivism plays on the very strong faith one has, mirroring something near fanaticism, towards his God and the teaching associated with Him.
For an exclusivist, salvation is attainable only by following the one true God, which is his God. Christian exclusivism relates to the Bible as proof that no other religion human condition essay bring people to the real God and, logically, there is no other road to salvation. Therefore, according to Christian exclusivism, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, and any other religion will not save one from their sins.
Further, to Christians, sins are not atoned solely by moral acts, but also by the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, who was sent to save humanity from their sins. In other words, only those who human condition essay themselves to believe that Jesus Christ, a God and man, sacrificed himself in order to save them will receive eternal salvation, human condition essay. Criticisms against Christian exclusivism started an increase in believers of inclusivism.
Though not centrally attributed to Christianity, human condition essay, inclusivism has been well-used by less human condition essay Christians. In the Christian tradition, human condition essay, while Jesus Christ is seen human condition essay the savior, human condition essay, inclusivists have made allowances for people of others faiths to achieve salvation.
Both the Council of Trent, a Catholic body that lasted fromand the Second Vatican Council, which met fromallowed that those who were not aware of the existence of Catholicism could still benefit from the salvation of God and Jesus Christ, as long as the exhibited a morality palatable to the Christian God. The Second Vatican Council went as far to say that people of other Human condition essay faiths were eligible for salvation.
Inclusivists, in the Christian methodology, believe that God is all-loving, human condition essay, which allows entrance to heaven to those who do not call Him as He is. Not rejecting Jesus Christ because one does not know of his existence, human condition essay, inclusivists reason, is not a sufficient reason to be condemned to Hell. What becomes central to human condition essay inclusivist mindset is morality; the good go to heaven, the bad go to hell.
Another benefit of this belief is the allowance for religious tolerance. While different religions are intolerable under religious exclusivism, different religions can still be just and holy under religion inclusivism, human condition essay. Pluralism offers the most open-minded view of religion, although differences in pluralism can inform how open-minded the view is. Under the first tenant of pluralism, other religions are seen as both true and equal to that being held by the faithful.
In this doctrine, pluralists hold that all true religions in the world lead believers to God, human condition essay. People, as long as they believe in eternal salvation and act morally, will reach Heaven. Pluralism can also be used as an allowance for good-natured inter-faith dialogs, which can even include side-by-side worship. While going further than inclusivism by allowing for more similarities between religions, this brand of pluralism does not mandate the two are necessarily equal, just that they both hold some truth.
What is central in both forms of pluralism is the understanding that all religions have religious practice, human condition essay, all religions serve a specific purpose, and all religions possess a structure.
Some pluralists even go as far to say that foreign religions have simply received different riches from God than the religion they hold; in this way different religions can be informed from others, as all have received the word of God, just in different ways and at different times. Bede Griffiths, author of The Vedic Revelation, affirmed the emergence of the more open-minded society towards world religion. Not just limited to believing that Christianity is the only one true religion loved by God, Bede is convinced that the world is now emerging to the allowance of sharing the gifts given to them by a God who appeared in many ways to many prophets.
It is doubtless to say that he is a pluralist in the broadest sense based on his description of the different revelations God made to different men. He sees all religions in equal standing and equal accuracy in their communication with God. Scriptures are eternal, given by God to man, whether the scripture is the Koran, the Torah, the Bible, or the Vedas. Regardless, human condition essay admits there are sure to be errors in any communication between man and God, particularly in how the Words are understood and written.
From this, one can infer that Griffiths feels that the true word of God can be discerned by combining the scriptures of many religions. Accordingly, I think that pluralism does create a more understanding and cooperative view of God between religions.
Indeed, God has communicated with us in many ways and in many forms. Similarly, we can communicate with God using varying methods in form and substance. Exclusivism attracts conflict, with the possibility of religious discrimination. Discrimination can easily lead to great misunderstandings, even war, as seen by religious wars that have persisted throughout history. The view held by exclusivists and inclusivists alike, that only one religion is true, proves one great human error, that man has a tendency to position himself perfectly against another man simply because of a lack of open-mindedness towards the unknown.
God is compassionate to His creatures and gives them the freedom human condition essay find their way back their love the way they wanted to. Salvation is not achieved only by submitting under a single truth that disregards the right of other people despite the fact that they are also pursuing a similar path, although in a similar way.
Human condition essay Christ, I think, would not want His people to look lowly at other people who are morally pursuing their paths. God wants us to love Him in the best way possible and He will judge us according to our actions. He will look at our deeds and will certainly, I think, punish more those who have denied the faith of equally good people simply because they do not hold equal religious beliefs.
Everyone hopes that after suffering in this world they will reach a certain kind of peace and be removed from their fatal obligations here on Earth. Even the bad people, deep in their hearts, are longing to be saved from their misery.
Thus, we are all human condition essay that someone external from this world will save us. Our hopes prompt us to join other people and act morally. Let us believe what we think is best for us and act accordingly. Let Him judge us at the human condition essay of our time and avoid judging those by how they see Him.
Skip to content Home Free Essays The human condition essay. Related essays: Exclusivism, Inclusivism, and Pluralism essay In the Name of God and Allah essay The Forgiveness of Sins essay Jesus Christ and Mohammed essay.
The Human Condition - Elizabeth Chandler - TEDxAugusta
, time: 13:18Freedom Essay 10 What exactly is the human condition? | World Transformation Movement

As the explanation of the human condition in the third video/ essay of this series finally explains, trying to keep at bay the dark shadow of our horrifically corrupted, guilt-stricken condition by constantly seeking validation of ourselves, and constantly blocking out and, if necessary, attacking any criticism of our sense of goodness, worth and meaning, is why we are an immensely egocentric, alienated and angry species!Estimated Reading Time: 9 mins Nov 26, · Essay, Pages 5 ( words) Views. The human condition is a term which references our complicated existence by highlighting our ongoing ability to adapt and change both our perceptions and values. Through our mental capabilities of both creativity and imagination, humanity is able to achieve a sense of both self-actualisation and liberation, resulting in them acting as the core of our existence where, without them we would become susceptible to the overwhelming flaws of the human blogger.comted Reading Time: 6 mins Jun 02, · The Human Condition, Related Texts Essay The human condition is full of contradictions, a state of mystery which involves the joyous aspects of life, as well as the sorrowful. The play 'A Streetcar Named Desire,' written by Tennessee Williams, represents this paradox that is capable of inspiring us or swiftly casting us down into the depths of depression
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