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Example rogerian argument essay

Example rogerian argument essay

example rogerian argument essay

Example. Below, we’ve provided an example Rogerian argument that follows the formula above. In this example, we will take the position that technology (e.g., laptops and tablets) should be allowed in writing classes while also considering the opinion of the opposition, who argue that such technology is more of a distraction than a helpful tool. In so doing, we should be able to arrive at a solution that considers both arguments  · A Rogerian essay is a type of argumentative essay. It was named after American psychologist Carl Rogers, who proposed a new theory of argumentation. This approach can be successfully used for sensitive and highly controversial issues. It allows the arguer to persuade the public with minimal risk of blogger.comted Reading Time: 8 mins  · Good Rogerian argument essay topics - a few relevant and interesting examples. A Rogerian essay differs a lot from the other types of academic writing. The most important thing, which makes it so unique, is that it has practical application. It gives real solutions to conflicts and debates. A good Rogerian essay depends heavily on a /10()

Rogerian Argument // Purdue Writing Lab

Read essays samples written by our professional writers and feel free example rogerian argument essay use them as a source of inspiration and ideas for your own academic work. Introduction Dog is considered as one of the most intelligent creatures in the world. It should be highlighted that me and my family were always interested in dogs, and we always had these pets at our home. That is why I chose such topic. It should be clarified that trainings might have a positive outcome on pit bulls making them non-aggressive creatures.

You're lucky! Order Now. Background As it was mentioned above, dogs are one of the smartest living creatures. However, there is an idea that such breed as pit bull is the most dangerous one. There are several reasons that might prove this fact, example rogerian argument essay. The first is that these dogs are automatically assumed as aggressive ones.

In addition to this, it is not complicated to raise an aggressive pit bull if a person has such goal. However, there is also a contrary idea to these facts. It should be highlighted that pit bulls can also be very friendly if they are grown up in such lovely environment.

In this case, example rogerian argument essay, the dog is likely to get used to the feeling of being handled. It seems justified to assume that in a short period of time this dog might not demonstrate aggressive reactions during walks Wilkins 5.

The nest important aspect is the usage of positive reinforcement in the process of training. It may include the technique of clicker training.

In example rogerian argument essay situation, a pit bull feels happy when it gets something tasty after completing an exercise correctly. One more aspect under consideration is the canine good citizen certification. If a dog demonstrates the possession of several skills, the American Kennel Club AKC gives is owner a certificate.

These skills include basic obedience, walk in a crowd, allow petting from strangers, example rogerian argument essay, and calm reaction to other dogs. This certificate has several advantages, and among them there are proving other people that this dog is not an aggressive one and changing their attitude towards this breed.

The example rogerian argument essay aspect under consideration is about dog sports. Pit bulls can act aggressively, and there are some reasons of it such as genes and bad environment in which they were grown up Janies, example rogerian argument essay, Voronkin, Das, Hardman, Trseder and Studer 7.

That is why some pit bulls are considered as angry ones. It seems justified to assume that the problem exists because it is impossible to say from the first glance at the dog whether its behavior is aggressive or not. Moreover, the consequences of such guessing can be crucial ones. The ancestors of pit bulls were fighting dogs. However, pit bulls do not often start fights but they can engage in them when they see other dogs fighting.

In addition to this, an owner who is not a confident example rogerian argument essay and does not know how to behave in critical situations might not prevent negative results when a dog expresses aggression. There is also the fact that pit bulls do not like cats and other fleeing creatures.

In this case, they are likely to demonstrate their chase and seize basic instincts. I strongly believe that despite the breed, any dog is susceptible for that environment in which it lives. There is a great number of cases when pit bulls have demonstrated their devotion and rescued people in complicated situations Welton.

These situations happened when pit bulls prevented children from aggression of other dogs. In those cases, pit bulls risked their lives. It seems example rogerian argument essay to assume that such phenomenon as genetics is of paramount importance; that is why there cannot be a complete trust to pit bulls Example rogerian argument essay and Withler However, behavior of any breed depends on an owner.

Moreover, the public perception of these dogs cannot be accepted fully because every dog is a unique one. Such cases when pi tbulls helped people might become a basis to believe that right training and love to the dog can be beneficial ones in the future.

Conclusion To sum up, the reputation of pit bulls cannot be considered as the best one in the society. It should be highlighted that such points of view as pit bulls are all aggressive owing to their genes and pit bulls can be non-aggressive if they are properly trained were investigated in the paper.

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Intro to Rogerian Argument

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Sample Rogerian Argument - Excelsior College OWL

example rogerian argument essay

Rogerian Argument Example: Mental Health. Imagine having someone close to you a family member or loved one. You tell yourself you know them better than anyone else. Next thing you know one day they just suddenly take their own life out of nowhere. In reality, you didn’t know anything about them and what they were thinking  · A Rogerian essay is a type of argumentative essay. It was named after American psychologist Carl Rogers, who proposed a new theory of argumentation. This approach can be successfully used for sensitive and highly controversial issues. It allows the arguer to persuade the public with minimal risk of blogger.comted Reading Time: 8 mins Example. Below, we’ve provided an example Rogerian argument that follows the formula above. In this example, we will take the position that technology (e.g., laptops and tablets) should be allowed in writing classes while also considering the opinion of the opposition, who argue that such technology is more of a distraction than a helpful tool. In so doing, we should be able to arrive at a solution that considers both arguments

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