Jun 22, · We should save electricity. We need electricity at each minute and in different social functions. In the modern world, electricity is viewed as the spirit or the existence without which the whole world stays dark at night. Our health, education, horticulture, designing and other specialized exercises all are presently combined with electricity. The specialist in the activity theatre, the designer in the plant, Estimated Reading Time: 40 secs Short Essay on Electricity. Electricity is the greatest gift of science to mankind. We have reached a point of our civilization when electricity is used for all purposes. Without it, our existence will be impossible. Electricity is a source of energy. It is produced by a battery or a coil of wires or by dynamo blogger.comted Reading Time: 2 mins Oct 02, · Save energy with geyser and electric heater: You can save a greater amount of energy by using geyser and reasonable cost electric heaters in the right way. You can install a solar light geyser so that you will save up to 20% on your electricity bill. This is Estimated Reading Time: 4 mins
Save Electricity Essay Words for Students in English
A human settlement cannot be imagined without the two of these basic amenities, but ironically the world is losing out fast on both of them. Any effort in this regard must be collectively thought and executed.
It is our duty to save these two prime resources for our future generation, essay save electricity. The essays have been written in simple yet effective English language so that they can be easily remembered and presented when needed. After going through these save water save electricity essays you will know the importance of water and electricity conservation, how to teach students about water and electricity consumption, tips to save water and electricity etc.
Without water there is no life. Even desert dwelling fauna and flora need some measure of water to survive and thrive. This ignorance and inaction has resulted in a growing crisis — the possibility that we will run out of drinkable water in the near future.
The situation is slightly different when it comes to electricity. Electricity is a modern discovery essay save electricity in just over a century it has become a mainstay in our existence.
We use electricity for pretty much everything — from lighting up our homes to running machinery and even helping us come up with new technological innovations. However, the sources that provide us energy are non-renewable resources such as natural gas and coal. Sooner or later, we are going to run out essay save electricity them. There are plenty of reasons to save both water and essay save electricity and some of them are very similar.
Second, conserving both is good for the environment. Less use of energy means that fewer fossil fuels are burnt and less pollution from that burning is released into the atmosphere. Third, essay save electricity, while electricity is generated using natural resources, water is a natural resource.
Conserving both leads to conservation of resources that we are rapidly running out of and that are non-renewable. Both water and electricity are essential to our lives. Without water, there will be no life. Without electricity, most of our daily necessities and needs will be unattainable.
There are two resources that are essential to a thriving life — water, which is required to keep you alive essay save electricity healthy and electricity which runs so much of our daily life that we would be quite lost without it.
Both essay save electricity resources occur in nature in a way. Water is directly found in water bodies, ice fields and glaciers, essay save electricity. Electricity is generated using coal or natural gas, both of which can be extracted from the earth by mining. Although both resources occur more or less naturally, both are finite. Only around 3.
Similarly, coal and natural gas deposits have only a certain amount of these resources. Since these resources are finite, the demand far outstrips the supply. It is even believed by many scientists and geologists that unchecked, essay save electricity, we will consume so much of both that we will soon run out. The consequences of this are quite frightening. Without electricity, our modern way of life will collapse since so much of it depends on energy.
Another point here is that we are polluting the water bodies that supply us and damaging the environment, essay save electricity, through water pollution and through the mining practices we use to extract coal and natural gas.
This means that not only are additional sources of fresh water unsafe for human consumption but also the environment is under attack. Under this kind of abuse, our environment will soon not be able to sustain us, essay save electricity. It becomes obvious then that these resources need to be used judiciously, if we are to have any hope of making them last.
We need to realize the problem of shortage before it occurs and do whatever we can to save electricity and water. In addition, we need to spread awareness so that more and more people take steps towards conservation. In the end, it is up to us to use measures that will ensure availability of water and electricity for a longer time. If charity begins at home, so does conservation.
Water and electricity are considered basic resources to live in modern times. Water is the most important because without it there literally would be no life. Electricity also holds a place of grave importance because most of modern existence is powered by it.
However, there are only so many sources of fresh water in the world. Similarly, there is only a limited amount of fossil fuels that can be used to generate electricity. These two resources are essentially finite. Our population, on the other hand, keeps growing every day. As this happens, the demands for these two resources increases but their sources become scarce. Unfortunately, we are so used to having an abundance of both that we have grown careless.
Every day in many ways we waste huge amounts of these resources without thinking twice. For many of us it is habit that we have cultivated from childhood, essay save electricity. Ensuring that the next generation does not follow the same wasteful habits is now a priority. We need to ensure that the urgency of dwindling natural resources, the reality of environmental damage and the immediate need for conservation is something that new generations understand very well.
The best way to do so is by educating students. Students need to be aware of this because they are the agents of change. For this reason, essay save electricity, environmental sciences need to be taught in every grade. Students are learning as they grow up that these resources are essential to our existence, essay save electricity. Students more open to new ideas and thoughts.
Therefore, when shown the impact of the lack of resources and conservation of those same resources, students are much more likely to follow steps for conservation. They are also more likely to involve their families and communities in the effort to conserve these two resources.
Most importantly, essay save electricity, though, students have inventive minds and are most likely to come up with ideas that can help us use less or conserve more of water and electricity. If we want generations to grow up with conservation as one of their values, it is very important that we teach them this value right from the beginning. The earlier we do so, the more essay save electricity embedded these values will be.
In our efforts to conserve electricity and water students must be the forerunners. Only then will we see effective change. Water and electricity are two resources we absolutely need — water because it is essential to life and electricity because the modern world would not be possible without it.
Unfortunately, these resources are finite; there is only so much fresh water in the world and electricity is generated from fossil fuels which are a dwindling natural resource. What makes matters worse is that the global population increases day by day making the demand for these resources higher.
In order to essay save electricity that future generations have enough of both resources, we need to conserve them. There is no denying the fact that we need water to survive. Some studies have speculated that the human body can go only three days without water. However, this is also the resource that gets wasted the most. It is becoming imperative that we take steps to reverse this or essay save electricity will soon lose this resource completely.
There are certain steps all of us can take on an individual level to help conserve water. Some of them are:. Electricity plays such a major role in our lives that we feel the pinch the moment power gets cut. Pretty much every appliance we use in the house is dependent on electricity. However, when we leave these things connected and running even though we are not using them, we end up wasting huge amounts of electricity. There are many small ways in which we can conserve electricity and water.
When we take these steps not only will essay save electricity reduce the amount of water or energy you need to use but also lower the bills you have to pay for them. Making these steps a habit will serve everyone better in the long run, essay save electricity. Water is an absolutely essential resource for us.
This is not surprising considering the fact that more than sixty percent of our bodies are made up of water. In fact, water essay save electricity more than a mere resource; it is life. Without water, there would be no life on this planet. Even today, essay save electricity, if we are deprived of water, we would die out very quickly, essay save electricity. It is an invention of the modern era, however, and everything we use in these times is powered by electricity.
Without electricity our entire way of life will be set back by at least five hundred years. Considering how important the two resources are — one to our survival and one to our way of life — there can be no doubt about the fact that everyone needs these resources. The problem is that since the population of the earth is growing every day, the demand for these resources is also increasing. However, these resources are not infinite.
Indeed, even though essay save electricity covers seventy percent of the planet, only around two point five percent is fresh water and one point five percent of that is trapped in ice fields and glaciers. We only have access to the remaining one percent which can be found in lakes, ponds and rivers and in underground pockets.
It is this groundwater that we usually tap into. Unfortunately, the levels of water under the essay save electricity are either diminishing because of the enormous demand or are contaminated due to chemicals that seep into the ground. In short, essay save electricity, we are running out of water. Electricity is mostly generated using fossil essay save electricity such as natural gas and coal.
These are naturally occurring substances generally found in the earth or refined from crude deposits. Since modern life runs on electricity supplies, the demand for it is high and increasing every day.
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, time: 2:06Save Electricity – Short Essay - blogger.com
Dec 04, · Saving electricity means burning fewer fossil fuels. Conserving energy can also help you in reducing the risks of oil spills. It can help you save money, and you won’t have to put a hole in your pocket to pay your electricity bills every month. It also helps in lessening pollution as well as reducing the greenhouse gas blogger.comted Reading Time: 2 mins Jun 22, · We should save electricity. We need electricity at each minute and in different social functions. In the modern world, electricity is viewed as the spirit or the existence without which the whole world stays dark at night. Our health, education, horticulture, designing and other specialized exercises all are presently combined with electricity. The specialist in the activity theatre, the designer in the plant, Estimated Reading Time: 40 secs Jun 15, · Essay on Urging Students to Save Electricity and Water – Essay 3 ( Words) Introduction. Water and electricity are considered basic resources to live in modern times. Water is the most important because without it there literally would be no life. Electricity also holds a place of grave importance because most of modern existence is powered by blogger.comted Reading Time: 9 mins
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