Monday, May 31, 2021

Causes of alcoholism essay

Causes of alcoholism essay

causes of alcoholism essay

 · Alcoholism is defined as a primary, chronic disease with genetic and environmental factors influencing its development and manifestations. Alcoholism is often progressive and fatal. That is to say, alcoholism is a pattern of drinking that causes harmful consequences. The many causes of alcoholism run deep into the family genus system and can cause numerous effects to the present family and Essay on Alcoholism. Words3 Pages. Alcoholism. Alcoholism is perhaps the most common form of drug abuse in North America today. Scientists report that the reason alcohol is so popular to people is because it is pleasant, relaxing, and is considered a "social beverage." But what individuals often do not take in to consideration is the fact that alcohol dulls the brain and confuses physical reactions Causes of alcoholism One of the most common causes of alcoholism is low standard of living. First of all this is severe living conditions, poor nutrition, lack of cultural entertainment and just a hopelessness. These are the reasons of alcoholism

Alcoholism Causes and Effects | Free Essay Example

Overuse or too much of anything is not good. Addiction towards any single things will put us into trouble. We might have to face causes of alcoholism essay lot of problems. It will not be easy to come out of such a situation. One has to give their full spirit in order to be free from those problems. This overuse and addiction can be with drugs, alcohol, video games, food and many other things.

We have seen that when people overuse any form of drugs, it harms them. The causes of alcoholism essay thing happens with alcohol as well. In the starting people might not realize what will excessive consumption of alcohol would do them. Sometimes no matter how much the alcohol is destroying them in different ways, people do not stop drinking it, causes of alcoholism essay. When they over use it or rather it can be called alcohol abuse, it is known as alcoholism. When there is overuse of alcohol that state is known as alcoholism.

This happens when the limit is crossed. In this state people are not able to control their drinking. Sometimes it becomes a sort of disorder. People should learn to take alcohol in limit, causes of alcoholism essay. Otherwise there can be many health problems due to alcohol abuse.

Even though consuming alcohol out of limit can cause harm, people have many common reasons to drink alcohol. Most of the time people consume to be free from stress.

They get stressed due to work pressure, problems with family, friends or partner. In order to come out of that stress people prefer drinking alcohol because it gives them relief. They start to feel good after drinking alcohol. At that point of time they are not bothered by any of the problems they are facing.

Drinking alcohol is like a break for them from these problems. Sometimes people are very depressed or they are facing a lot of emotional problems.

At such times they drink alcohol so that they are able to forget all the depressive things and be free from all sorts of emotional problems. Alcohol has also become a part of any type of celebrations among the adults. In some of the societies, people drink alcohol so that they are able to gel with others and become popular among them.

In India different states have different legal age for drinking. Some have 18 while some have But still the underage youth go to various places and drink alcohol even though it is illegal for them.

In Karnataka, some bars and restaurants have legal age as 18 while some have These ones strictly ask the customers for identity proof. But some of the places allow everyone and they do not check any identity proofs, causes of alcoholism essay. There have been times when some of the friends in a group would be underage.

During such situations they would quietly drink from the friends who were legal to drink alcohol. One should know to control on their drinking habits. If a person drinks more than the limit, one can face alcoholism, causes of alcoholism essay. There are many signs and symptoms by which people can know that they are facing alcoholism.

Even if one is trying to drink less, they are failing to do that. They are unable to control from drinking. They start to give more importance to alcohol and ignoring other work and responsibilities. One does not have focus on anything else. They do not feel like doing any other work. They will always feel like drinking. When they are causes of alcoholism essay drinking, they carve to drink alcohol.

Major expenditure is done to buy alcohol. People are not able to control their behaviour during this state. All of us know that consumption of alcohol can harm our body. But there are many who do causes of alcoholism essay know about it and they consume alcohol excessively. We have to face a lot of health problems when we drink a lot. There can be problems in the digestive system which will lead to causes of alcoholism essay during the later stage.

Our stools will not be proper. We may vomit a lot at this time. We can have high blood pressure, causes of alcoholism essay, too much sweating. Our liver can get destroyed due to excessive consumption of alcohol. Liver helps to remove the harmful things from the body. When there is large content of alcohol in our body, the liver will not be able to do its function anymore.

Further, there will be many diseases of liver which is very dangerous. As the liver will not be functioning properly, the sugar level in our body will reduce. The reduction of sugar level in the body will further result in more causes of alcoholism essay. It is not only liver which will not be able to function properly but even the lungs and heart will have problems in their proper functioning.

There may be many heart problems. One has chances of getting cancer too. Alcohol affects our brain largely. This is the reason when a person is intoxicated from alcohol they are unable to speak properly.

This is because the brain is not able to connect with the other parts of body. At such times we do not think properly and take decisions which we would not take when we are in full senses.

There are also chances that this can also lead to damage of the brain. Causes of alcoholism essay is not safe for pregnant women to drink alcohol because it will be harmful for the baby.

There will be problems with the pregnancy due to consumption of alcohol. Too much drinking can make our immune system weak. We will not be able to fight against any sort of sickness. Alcoholism can be treated but it will take time. First of all when a person is trying to be away from alcohol, we should support them. We must help them in freeing them from alcoholism. We should not discourage or demoralize them when they are trying to stop drinking alcohol.

This will make them lose their confidence and may also become weak. We should never be afraid from any person who is suffering alcoholism. We should always try to help them. There are treatments which can help people to go away from alcohol. After this treatment people will learn to say no to alcohol.

If any of the treatment does not work then one can go for counseling. Alcoholism in the first stage will not be so difficult, causes of alcoholism essay. But a person who has gone to the extremes and has almost destroyed his life. It will be extremely causes of alcoholism essay to bring them back to normal. Once there was an old man in a village. He had five children.

Out these five, four of them were boys and one girl, causes of alcoholism essay. The old man lost his life after the birth of the fourth and fifth child who were twins. From then he had to take care of them. They belonged to a very poor family. There were two eldest sons, then the daughter and after that the two twins. The youngest ones were very small. Despite of their poor economic condition, they would manage to survive by working and taking loan from other villagers.

But the old man was always spending the money in drinking. He used to drink so much that he had become too weak to work. Whatever money he would get from work he spent all of them in drinking. He never contributed in the family earnings.

Alcohol effects on brain and body

, time: 1:53

How To Write Your Best Alcoholism Essay?

causes of alcoholism essay

Causes of alcoholism One of the most common causes of alcoholism is low standard of living. First of all this is severe living conditions, poor nutrition, lack of cultural entertainment and just a hopelessness. These are the reasons of alcoholism  · There are several possible causes of alcoholism and risk factors for the disease. Alcoholic liver disease usually occurs after years of excessive drinking. The longer you use alcohol and the more alcohol consumed, the greater the likelihood of developing liver disease. Acute alcoholic hepatitis can result from binge blogger.comted Reading Time: 3 mins Running Head: CAUSES AND EFFECTS OF ALCOHOLISM 2 One of the most prevalent social issues in most societies today is the concerns of drug abuse and substance use amongst the populaces - the young population being the most at risk population with regard to this problem. Talking about substance use and drug abuse, alcoholism stands out as the most prevalent social issues in many societies today

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