Monday, May 31, 2021

Blood diamonds essay

Blood diamonds essay

blood diamonds essay

With the violence that has emerged in Sierra Leone, the international world became very aware of blood diamonds, and many diamond corporations were weary of where their diamonds originated. Blood diamonds were extremely unpopular amongst the public and many of the diamond corporation lost sales, as they were unable to verify which mines their gems had come from Essay On Blood Diamonds. The major issue in the film Blood Diamonds are the families that are torn apart because of the wars about diamonds. The reason for why they are torn apart are so the RUF (Revolution, United, and Front) can obtain these diamonds more efficient. They want the diamonds because of the value of them; diamonds has been popular ever since Marilyn Monroe started singing about diamonds Blood Diamond Research Words | 31 Pages. Hendina Riyadi Blood Diamond Research For thousands of years, diamonds have been highly regarded by everyone from kings and queens to ordinary people. Diamonds are a symbol for wealth, elegance, love, and power. Centuries ago, they were also a symbol of courage, invincibility and strength

An Analysis of the Movie, Blood Diamond Essay - Words | Bartleby

For many centuries, diamonds have been viewed as a symbol of blood diamonds essay and marriage. However, a significant part of the world diamonds come from war -torn areas, where bloodshed is a normal occurrence. In some countries, rebel groups use the profit from the illegal sale of diamonds to purchase weapons for their insurgent operations. In this paper will also introduce a comprehensive analysis of blood diamonds and the insurgent groups that blood diamonds essay them.

The paper will also discuss the violation of basic human rights that these rebel groups commit on regular basis. Blood diamonds, or the conflict diamonds, blood diamonds essay, have long been used for illegitimate trading of weapons and funding civil war in various African blood diamonds essay. The monies are used to fund violence, and violation of human rights blood diamonds essay various countries in Africa, blood diamonds essay.

The illegal trading of diamond has been used by African Warlords to purchase weapons, blood diamonds essay. Some of the most affected countries include Angola, the DRC, blood diamonds essay, and Sierra Leone. The main objective of this paper is to demonstrate the true history of blood diamond industry in West Africa.

It is an industry that is very popular in Sierra Leone. The country has gone blood diamonds essay many hurdles, which has resulted in extensive destruction and violation of human rights. Conflict diamonds are sold illegally to various parts of the world in order to finance insurgents against nationally and internationally recognised institutions.

Even though efforts have been put in place to stop the trade, the impact of the civil war in the affected countries has left nothing but shambles. The war has always been between governments and warlords, blood diamonds essay. Such has turned nothing but a saying whose purpose is a publicizing strategy.

It all began with a small discovery by a year-old boy. It would be followed by decades of bloodshed. Somewhere between and earlya teenage boy known as Erasmus Jacobs collected a glittery rock from the ground in De Kalka ranch.

The land was situated in the southern region of Orange River in Cape Colony, present South Africa. Blood diamonds essay region was controlled by the British controlled region in what is currently known as South Africa. After playing with the shiny stone for a while, the boy later presented it to a neighbouring friend, shalk Van Niekerk, who often gathered rare pebbles. Through agreed terms, Niekerk presented the stone to a trader who later presented it to a magistrate.

The pharmacist reported that the stone was a Soon after, Niekerk found another, more spectacular piece. By definition, blood blood diamonds essay can be described as diamonds mined from regions under the control of rebel groups, fighting against national and international bodies, blood diamonds essay.

Sierra Leone is the most affected country. It is a small country located on the west coast of Africa. For the last two decades, the country has been under constant terror. The war is fought between rebel groups and the Sierra Leone government. The rebel groups took blood diamonds essay of the richest diamond mines in Sierra Leone in the early nineties. Any profit made from the sales of the diamond was used to purchase weapons.

The rebel groups were made of teenage boys who were forced to conscript. The rebel group utilise different violent tactics to inflict terror among the innocent civilians. Some of the popular tactics include: Kidnapping, amputation, torture, among others. In numerous cases, they kidnapped innocent women and children as well as old men, stuck out their arms and legs, then the cut them off using crude weapons.

Through such tactic, they inflicted fear among the civilians. Blood diamonds essay conflict blood diamonds essay in various African countries sparked significant social problems for Sierra Leone. The conflicts resulted in the collapse of the social framework of the country.

The RUF, blood diamonds essay, for instance, forced underage boys and adults into slavery and the role of child soldiers to safeguard the people against the regime forces, blood diamonds essay.

The rebel group seized children at a very young age, trained them to use gun technology, and how to kill citizens. Poverty provides opportunities for people to profit from the misery of others in various trades. His statement provides an extremely valid argument. The people of war-torn countries are so poor and often live off very little resources. Therefore, for the rebel group, it seemed blood diamonds essay to use cruelty and exploit the civilians. The RUF wilfully captured young boys and adults, irrespective of the cost.

The children were guaranteed that they would gain total power and control of the rich diamond mines. Civilians forced to work for the rebel groups were not paid, and instead, they sided with the exploitative rules set by the rebel group for them to survive. If anyone rebelled the set rules, they were exterminated immediately.

These are evident social implications that were brought to attention by these activities. Extremely young children were forced into child soldiers, compelled to kill their friends and families.

The extent of mental anguish that came with being a child soldier, in the end, ruined their lives forever. The Sierra Leone community was socially devastated as a result of the traumatic events that the rebel group induced the children and the community at large. The civilians had the endless anxiety of whether they would ever see another day.

Such had huge mental and physical impact on them. Children often look up to their parents and guardians as their key figures. However, once the children are separated from their parents, they will seek new leaders.

Therefore, blood diamonds essay, in the event of Sierra Leone, children were captured from their guardians by the rebel group and now looked up to their new leaders of the rebel group as their mentors and figureheads. It is a structure that explains the influence of war and violence on child soldiers who were forced into their new roles. In the Sierra Leone Government had already given up on controlling most of its diamond mines. Foreign investors were forced to seek their own security for both their employees and the mining sites.

The outcome was the birth of illegal diamonds trading. Most of the smuggled diamonds were traded in Liberia. The government seemingly tried to impose unintentional rules that increased illegal trading when it opened the Alluvial mining scheme in The new rules allowed locals to receive mining licenses and the blood diamonds essay of illegal miners plunged to approximately 80, people.

With very little skills in political leadershipthe government even placed more responsibility in the hand of the foreign miners. As a result, illegal diamonds mining flourished.

By early s, Sierra Leone had a corrupt regime and open illegal diamond trading attracted armed rebels. On March 23rd,a civil broke in blood diamonds essay country when the RUF invaded the mines.

Through the decade-long civil war, fighting was much concentrated around the rich diamond regions. The Blood diamonds essay understood that whoever controls the mines, was in full control of Sierra Leone.

Since the beginning of the civil war, Sierra Leone suffered total desolation. It is entirely dependent on international support from South Africa Nigeria, blood diamonds essay, the United States among other countries. Sierra Leone descended into bloody horror in the mids. As the war began between the rebel groups and the government-backed forces, elections were planned, where people were supposed to vote using their thumbprints.

The violence was so intense that Nigerian troops together with the UN peacekeepers were sent to dethrone the people in power and try to bring back normalcy. In the late s, the rebel group and the Sierra Leone government signed a peace agreement, marking cessation of decade-long moments of violence. The primary intention of the RUF was to gain total power and wealth.

The violations led to political unrest through the entire nation. The violations were followed by clashes between the regime and the RUF blood diamonds essay a decade. As part of the agreement, the rebel groups had to give up their weapons, meaning that the rebels would not have the resources to wage war. However, they used the remaining profits to force more civilians into slavery and excavate more diamond to purchase new arms in what formed a continuous circle of crisis, blood diamonds essay.

Think of the lives that may have been lost for the piece reached your hands. The industry within Sierra Leone has resulted in significant unrest over the years, blood diamonds essay. The act done by the RUF and other rebel groups were politically underserved and were condemned by many neighbouring countries. In order to understand the implications of the blood diamond, it is important to explore the political context of this nature, blood diamonds essay.

The Rebel group, RUF was established to take-over the government. Power to the people. Through the catchphrase, the civilians blood diamonds essay and tied up with the rebels, until they discovered their primary objective.

The mining of blood diamond has caused bloodshed, blood diamonds essay, child labour, human rights violation. A combination of these issues has hindered the overall development of the country. These are illegally traded products that are used to support war rather than public development.

Since the time they surfaced in the mids, they have only resulted in troubles rather than growth, blood diamonds essay. The Sierra Leone community dug the mines with the hope of improving their livelihood. However, in most cases, the product was smuggled illegally to members of the government. RUF together with other rebel groups gained control of the larger and rich mines by controlling the production of diamonds.

These diamonds are now spread in entire Africa, fuelling conflict. Even though blood diamond gave rise to insignificant economic growththe greater portion was used to finance rebel groups through a purchase of weapons. Civilians in various parts of Africa are now ready to risk their lives to obtain better living standards.

Blood Diamonds of Sierra Leone

, time: 2:18

Blood Diamonds |

blood diamonds essay

Blood Diamond Research Words | 31 Pages. Hendina Riyadi Blood Diamond Research For thousands of years, diamonds have been highly regarded by everyone from kings and queens to ordinary people. Diamonds are a symbol for wealth, elegance, love, and power. Centuries ago, they were also a symbol of courage, invincibility and strength An Analysis of the Movie, Blood Diamond Essay. Words5 Pages. The movie "Blood Diamond" was released in and featured Leonardo Di Caprio as an arms smuggler whose main goal is to obtain a seemingly priceless diamond from a villager during the civil war in Sierra Leone. The film, although it has been called mild in comparison to reality, depicts the brutality that inhabitants of With the violence that has emerged in Sierra Leone, the international world became very aware of blood diamonds, and many diamond corporations were weary of where their diamonds originated. Blood diamonds were extremely unpopular amongst the public and many of the diamond corporation lost sales, as they were unable to verify which mines their gems had come from

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